Whenever I need motivation to do something good for my body that I know I should, I study or revisit the things I have already learned and it helps me to take action. Coconut oil has been a staple item in my home for many years, and I hope that looking at its multiple uses will help you want to use it too.
Using coconut oil is an easy way to incorporate healthy fat into your diet. Because coconut oil is high in medium chain fatty acids, it is easily digested and sent straight to the liver where energy is actually produced rather than used by its introduction. This is one way that coconut oil increases your metabolism.
Because no bile or pancreatic enzymes are used, coconut oil is even great for those with diabetes or have had their gall bladder removed.
Lauric acid is found in abundance in coconut oil. Breast milk is high in lauric acid, which studies have shown is useful in fighting viruses, preventing certain cancers, and just overall helping the immune system.
Coconut oil also helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol. So it is a heart healthy oil, keeping the arteries flexible.
Because it allows the absorption of vitamin D and calcium, it is great for the bones, actually increasing bone strength.
It is also antifungal. Coconut oil helps reduce candida and yeast infections.
Uses for Coconut Oil
For the Skin
Coconut oil is a great tanning and massage oil. It is easily absorbed into the skin and leaves the skin feeling silky and soft. It is a natural, ready all over skin lotion.
Eye Make Up Remover
Coconut oil conditions the skin and helps reduce wrinkles while at the same time removing eye make up.
Protein Drinks and Smoothies
I add a tablespoon of coconut oil to my fruit and vegetable smoothies. It is great in post workout protein drinks as well.
In all of my baking, I use coconut oil. However, if you do use it for cooking and baking, it is important to use expeller pressed coconut oil, rather than raw, cold pressed or it will have a raw coconut flavor that may change the taste of your recipe.
For the Hair
Coconut oil makes a great hair conditioner and can even be massaged into the scalp and left on overnight as a deep conditioning treatment. Coconut oil has also been proven effective in killing lice.
Appetite Suppressant
Taking a spoonful of coconut oil before eating has been shown useful in decreasing the appetite.
Wood and Cutting Boards
Expeller pressed coconut oil is great for conditioning wood and can also be used to oil wood cutting boards.
Prevention and Healing of Stretch Marks
Liberally apply to the skin to prevent stretch marks. Used consistently over time, coconut oil can help fade and heal them as well.
Fungal Infections
Used with a few drops of tea tree oil, coconut oil can be used to treat athlete's foot.
Immune System Booster
One teaspoon of coconut oil mixed with one teaspoon of turmeric is an effective way to boost the immune system and ward off colds, viruses or the flu. This dynamic duo is anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial.
My Top 3 Coconut Oil Brands
Which coconut oil you use is important. Not all coconut oil is the same. Different methods of processing can be used, making a big difference in its effectiveness. Of course other brands are on the market that are good to use, but I wanted to recommend 3 brands.
- Tropical Traditions
This company sells both the cold pressed and the expeller pressed types. They are extremely careful in how they process the oil, producing one of the finest oils on the market today.
- Garden of Life
This company produces an excellent raw, cold pressed coconut oil, which smells just like fresh, raw coconuts.
- Wilderness Family Naturals
This company not only sells high quality raw and expeller pressed oils, but they have coconut milk, flakes and other various coconut products as well.
In Conclusion...
Coconut oil is a simple and effective way to boost your overall health. I highly recommend its use and hope you will benefit from incorporating this wonderful, healthy oil into your diet and lifestyle.