Green Cheer

Green Cheer

This juice recipe also requires a blender (to blend the avocado into the juice).

  • 2 medium (3" dia) 364g
  • 1 cucumber (8-1/4") 301g
  • Avocado
    1 avocado 201g
  • 1 large (3-1/16" dia) 184g
  • Spinach
    2 handful 50g
  • 1/2 fruit (2-3/8" dia) 42g
  • Parsley
    1 handful 40g
  • 1 thumb tip (1" dia) 24g
  1. Juice all the ingredients except for the avocado.
  2. De-seed the avocado and separate the meat from the skin
  3. Blend the juice and avocado well and serve

28 Day Juice Cleanse Challenge: Week 1

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28 Day Juice Cleanse Challenge: Week 2

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28 Day Juice Cleanse Challenge: Week 3

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28 Day Juice Cleanse Challenge: Week 4

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12 Energy Recipes

When your goal is to get more energy, you need to start looking ...

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