The Man with the Golden Juice

The Man with the Golden Juice

I'm like a kid in a candy store in the produce section, so when I see something exotic (to me) like a golden beet, I have to bring them home and try to create something delicious with it. I may or may not have been watching some 007 recently as well.

This is a slight spin on Can't beet it

  • 4 stalk, large (11"-12" long) 256g
  • 3 large (7-1/4" to 8-/1/2" long) 216g
  • Pear (bosc)
    1 medium 178g
  • 1/2 cucumber (8-1/4") 150.5g
  • Beet Root (golden)
    1 beet (2" dia) 82g
  • 1/2 thumb tip (1" dia) 12g
  1. Process all ingredients in a juicer, shake or stir and serve.
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