Red Tangy Spice

Red Tangy Spice

Just like the name says, this is a tasty, spicy, red veggie juice with a bit of a lime tang.

If you're sensitive to heat, you should de-seed the jalapeno before juicing it.

  • 5 large (7-1/4" to 8-/1/2" long) 360g
  • 1 beet (3" dia) 175g
  • 2 stalk, large (11"-12" long) 128g
  • Spinach
    2 cup 60g
  • Lime
    1/2 fruit (2" dia) 33.5g
  • 1 thumb tip (1" dia) 24g
  • Jalapeno
    1 pepper 14g
  1. Process all ingredients in a juicer, shake or stir and serve.
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