Shoostie's Green Boost

Shoostie's Green Boost

While doing an extended juice cleanse, I started to crave a juice that was less sweet and had a little kick to it. This juice really hit the spot, and I began drinking it every day!

I named this juice after my cousin, John Shuster, who fought hard to win a gold/silver medal with his curling team in the Olympics. After a decisive win that led the USA into the finals, he jumped and gave a little kick! Perfect description of this juice: excitement with a little bit of kick!

  • 3 medium (3" dia) 546g
  • Zucchini
    1 medium 196g
  • 1 large (3-1/16" dia) 184g
  • 3 leaf (8-12") 105g
  • Parsley
    1 handful 40g
  • 2 stalk, small (5" long) 34g
  • Serrano Pepper
    1/2 pepper 3.05g
  1. Process all ingredients in a juicer, shake or stir and serve.
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