Inner Peach

Inner Peach

This recipe is very soothing on a hot summer day. Great on ice! I peel the lemon when I make this recipe to keep the juice from being too sour.

  • 2 medium (3" dia) 364g
  • Peaches
    2 medium (2-2/3" dia) 300g
  • Orange (peeled)
    1 fruit (2-5/8" dia) 131g
  • Raspberry
    1 cup 123g
  • Sparkling Water
    4 fl oz 120g
  • Lemon (peeled)
    1/2 fruit (2-3/8" dia) 42g
  1. Juice all ingredients except for the sparkling water.
  2. Pour sparkling water in a glass, then pour juice in.
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