Workweek Challenge

1 Recipe Per Day

You'll be adding 1 juice to your life every day. Continue eating as you normally do.

5 Days

A perfect fit for your workweek.

Shopping List

A single, simple shopping list is provided for the 5 days.

Interactive Challenge

Use our interactive challenge to get your daily recipe emailed to you or complete it through our site.

Why we made the Workweek Challenge

5 Days, 5 Recipes - Medium Commitment

This is probably one of our favorite plans that we re-use the most. We needed a healthy juice plan that we could do Monday - Friday when we weren't feeling committed to a longer plan. Sometimes you just need to shut off your brain and let this plan take the wheel and hand you a grocery list.

It's great to have a juice plan that says "Relax, I've got this workweek figured out for you".

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Workweek Challenge Reviews

- 12 Aug 2024
- Workweek

The 3rd and 5th day were same recipe

- 17 Mar 2024
- Workweek

It was a good experience!!

- 25 Apr 2023
- Workweek

This was truly a challenge. Juicing makes you have to go to the bathroom a lot. I work in the mental health field and I travel from home to home to visit with clients, so the availability to a bathroom was a task, However, the benefit of it all was a good detox and I dropped 2 pounds & 1 inch.

- 23 Apr 2023
- Workweek

It’s good to be back to juicing and utilizing some simple and cool proof recipies!

- 09 Jan 2023
- Workweek


- 26 Aug 2022
- Workweek
Lost 2lbs

Tasty recipes! Felt energized until lunchtime.

- 24 Mar 2022
- Workweek


- 21 Jan 2022
- Workweek

Motivating myself to start again by starting with the 5 day challenge. Loved all tge recipes 😋

- 06 Jul 2021
- Workweek

I posted the wrong end weight it was 213.4

- 31 Mar 2021
- Workweek

All great juices. My 1-yr old grandson drank every one as well.

- 08 Feb 2021
- Workweek

It was fun and I really enjoyed the juices!

- 06 Sep 2020
- Workweek

I liked this really was helpful

- 13 Aug 2020
- Workweek

Was very helpful and enjoyed the recipes!

- 31 Jul 2020
- Workweek
Lost 1.2kg

I loves it. It’s really flush my fats out.

- 24 Apr 2020
- Workweek
Lost 3lbs

I looked forward to juicing every day. The juices were tasty.

- 18 Apr 2020
- Workweek

I loved how you give the complete grocery list to do a one trip shop, I also loved the recipes emailed. All of the recipes were really good. First time juicer here and I just completed a week ❤️

- 21 Feb 2020
- Workweek

Easy and very good

- 02 Feb 2020
- Workweek
Lost 1lbs

I had a couple of really bad days that I didn’t eat sensible and skipped a morning of juicing. Only imagine what I could have done had I behaved myself the entire time. Will definitely try this again when I know that I have 5 days at home with the juicer. I try to get smoothies when I am on the road traveling that are close to the mean green or full of vegetables instead of fruits.

- 18 Oct 2019
- Workweek

It was hard at first because I don’t care for some of the veg. that I had to drink. It got a lot easier after a couple of days. I guess it was more getting use to it.

- 13 Sep 2019
- Workweek

Loved the challenge! Did it with my husband - helped us to consume enough fruits and vegetables each day.

- 04 Sep 2019
- Workweek

I didn't follow through as I should, but I loved the juices.

- 15 Jun 2019
- Workweek
Lost 3lbs

I have no idea what happened to my body but I am so glad I tried this challenge. I have had more energy each day and felt so great! Each recipe was great and I can't wait to explore more recipes!.

- 05 Jun 2019
- Workweek
Lost 1lbs


- 27 May 2019
- Workweek

Great tasting juices so easy to stay on challenge.

- 19 May 2019
- Workweek

I was looking for something to do while nursing as it is not recommended to cleanse while breastfeeding. I found this website and saw that the juice challenges are not cleanse therefore toxins are not going through the milk. I found the challenge to be fast easy and fun as well as tasty. I am starting another one right away and I will continue until I can do a full cleanse when my baby will be done with nursing.

- 19 May 2019
- Workweek

It was my first time doing a juice challenge and turned out great. Wish they used a different juice for the last instead of one all ready done. On to the next one

- 08 May 2019
- Workweek

this is a great way to experiment on different flavors

- 06 Apr 2019
- Workweek

It is a good starting point, not all the recipes are to my taste. Personally I like to surf the recipes based on ingredients and the health categories. Nevertheless this is a great web site, the best one I have found for juicing full of information well done.

- 05 Apr 2019
- Workweek

Im not worried about weight as much as I am my health. I can already FEEL the difference.

- 03 Apr 2019
- Workweek

All of the juices tasted great. I lost a small amount of weight, and felt more energetic and alert. I am sold that adding juice to my diet improves my overall health and how I feel. I'll be doing this on a more regular basis from now on.

- 31 Mar 2019
- Workweek
Lost 8lbs

The recipes are amazing. I can not believe I actually stuck with it. I was amazed. By the 3rd day, all my friends and family noticed the difference in my face. I highly recommend this challenge for anyone who wants to do a cleanse. I did not have any solid food in my 5 day total. If you have the will the power will follow. It is not easy to go cold turkey on a juice diet, but let me tell you, you will feel the craving on day 3. As long as you push through, you'll come out feeling great. nxt chlg

- 25 Feb 2019
- Workweek

Mastering self is such an important life long endeavor to embark on! Whether striving to clear my mind for more positive energy, or achieving a better quality of life, juicing has become an important arsenal in my battle to do both! Master self and just DO IT and find yourself growing in heart, soul and character. Best, Garry

- 05 Feb 2019
- Workweek

Easy to obtain ingredients and tasted good

- 17 Jan 2019
- Workweek

I wish day 5 would have been a new recipe instead of a repeat (especially since I didn’t like that one). It was also a lot of green, so a wider variety of flavors would have been nice.

- 03 Jan 2019
- Workweek

Perfect fit for a workweek. It works so well!

- 07 Dec 2018
- Workweek

I love it! The juices are delicious and most days I did two juices a day and a meal for dinner. Love it and am going to continue. Oh and my daughter had the berry a-pealing juice and we both agree it is delicious! Thank you!!!! We are going to try Holiday Lemonade tomorrow.

- 07 Dec 2018
- Workweek

Love every day, it was refreshing and tasteful. I do jucing every day, but really live your recepies . Thank you; I am glad I found you.

- 07 Dec 2018
- Workweek

This is my first experience juicing, and I loved it. The recipes were delicious, and simple enough that I was not apprehensive. The challenge was also a perfect introductory length. With this success, I'm poised to take on the next juicing challenge.

- 07 Dec 2018
- Workweek

I enjoyed every single juice. I only gave this a 5 star rating because the Green Ginger Ale was on day 3 & 5. I was hoping to try another combination. Other than that they were tastey.